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Dear Colleagues,
It is my honour to invite you to the third international fetal cardiology course in Warsaw entitled:
„Fetal Cardiology – the unique filed of cooperation between cardiologists, neonatologists and
obstetricians”. The course has been approved by the Association for European Pediatric and
Congenital Cardiology (AEPC).
This time our aim is to cover fetal cardiology knowledge comprehensively and demonstrate the role
of fetal diagnosis in perinatal management. All aspects of fetal cardiology will be dealt with, starting
from morphology, working through structural and functional changes in fetal echocardiography,
interpretation of Doppler findings for obstetricians and ending with the important messages for
neonatologist, pediatric cardiologist and cardiac surgeon, who will take over the care of the bay after
the delivery. The role of the obstetrician, neonatologist and geneticist as part of our team will be
focused on. All important aspects of the transitional circulation in different cardiac problems will be
discussed from the practical point of view.
All structural and functional problems will be illustrated by live scanning.
The scientific program of the course has been prepared by the Fetal Cardiology Working Group and
Cardiovascular Morphology Working Group of the AEPC. The faculty consists of experienced fetal and pediatric cardiologists,

We invite everybody to submit abstracts of interesting cases of fetal cardiology.
See you in Warsaw.

Medical student: 430 zł/ 100 ,
AEPC junior member: 860 zł/ 200 
AEPC member: 1075 zł/ 250 ,
Physician during specialization training, not AEPC member: 1290 zł/  275 ,
Physician – specialist, not AEPC member: 1505zł/ 350 


Abstracts should be prepared as shown in the file.  
Abstracts should be sent to: recover@recover.org.pl
The dead-line for the abstract submission: 21st November 2018

Fetal Cardiology Course program




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